The School Management Committee on behalf of Principal & Staff wishes all the students “Best of Luck” for the exams. We believe in each one of you and your knowledge. Do well in your exams. All you need to do is keep calm, believe in yourself and your exams will go perfectly. All the best and stay chill.
Commerce Corner





 Merchant Banks

 To meet the Long-term requirement of funds, the corporate sector enterprises issue shares and debentures. To raise money from capital market, promoters bank upon merchant bankers.

 A merchant bank may be defined as corporate bodies which provides services such as project counseling, corporate counseling in areas of capital restructuring, amalgamations, mergers, takeover etc., discounting and rediscounting of short-term paper in money markets, managing, underwriting and supporting public issues in new issue market and acting as brokers and advisers on portfolio management in stock exchange. Merchant banking activities have impact on growth, stability and liquidity of money markets.

 Merchant Banking in India

 The need for specialized merchant banking service was felt in India with the rapid growth in the number and size of the issue made in the primary market. The merchant banking services were started by foreign banks, namely the National Grindlays Bank in 1967 and the City Bank in 1970. The Banking Commission in its report in 1972 recommended the setting up of merchant banking institutions by commercial banks and financial institutions. This marked the beginning of specialized merchant banking in India.

 The State Bank of India was the first Indian Bank to set-up Merchant Banking Division in 1972. Later ICICI set up its Merchant Banking Division followed by Bank of India, Bank of Baroda, Canara Bank, Punjab National Bank and UCO Bank.


Qualities Required of Merchant Bankers

 Merchant bankers play a significant role as a catalyst to transform the project ideas into industrial ventures. To perform these services effectively the merchant bankers are expected to possess:

 1.      Ability to analyse various aspects such as technical, financial and economic aspects concerning the formation of an industrial project.

2.      Knowledge about the various aspects of capital markets, trends in stock exchange, psychology of investing public, change in the economic and technological environment in the country.

3.      Ability to build up the bank-client relationship.

4.      Innovative approach in developing capital market instruments to satisfy the ever changing needs of investing public.

5.      Integrity and maintenance of high professional standards.

 Inspite of global competition for Indian Merchant bankers, the present day capital market scenario provides a vast scope for merchant bankers to expand their operations both in domestic and international market if they develop adequate infrastructure including expertise.

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